Broodmare Products Comparison and Pricing Chart

Broodmare Compatibility Analysis with LyonScore® Broodmare Compatibility Report Broodmare
Sire-line Nick Report
Price $795
Six-generation pedigree of the mare Yes arrow Yes arrow Yes arrow
Broodmare Nicking Patterns
All sirelines that
yield 'A' or 'B' nicks
Yes arrow Yes arrow Yes arrow
8 to 10 Stallion Recommendations
Based on Stud Fee,
Location, and other criteria
Yes arrow Not Included Not Included
Stallion Recs
In Ranked Order
Yes arrow Not Included Not Included
family table
Yes arrow Yes arrow Not Included
Stakes winners
from the same broodmare
sire line as the mare
Yes arrow Yes arrow Not Included
LyonScore® profiles Yes arrow Not Included Not Included
Written analysis and
interpretation of
LyonScore® profiles
Yes arrow Not Included Not Included
Hypothetical Matings Yes arrow Not Included Not Included
A mare is eligible for
BCA Updates at any
time during her career
(one per breeding season)
if a BCA with LyonScore®
has been purchased.
Yes arrow Not Available Not Available