The Stallion Compatibility Analysis is designed for stallion owners and managers to assist in selecting the mares that are best-suited to the stallion and in actively promoting their stallion to breeders. This attractively bound book enables the stallion manager to immediately access how any mare will nick with the subject stallion.
The report features:
- Prospective Werk Nick Ratings® for over 13,000 broodmare sire-lines, easily indexed for quick reference.
- Handy listing of broodmare sire-lines that yield "A" or "B" Werk Nick Ratings® with the subject stallion and his sire-line
- Six-generation pedigree of the stallion.
- Ten-generation female family table.
- Catalog-style pedigree of the stallion.
- Concise and quotable remarks from Werk Thoroughbred Consultants, focusing on the strengths of the stallion.
- This package may be subsequently updated at any time for $495.