Quality Rating Summary
While we believe that dosage calculations have minimal value as a tool for planning matings or identifying potential superior runners, it is undeniable that racing class is in great part a function of the quality of ancestors contributing to new individuals.
To a great extent chefs de race status is a recognition of outstanding quality. It follows that chefs de race tend to contribute more favorably than other sires. On the other hand, most chefs de race are named after or at the conclusion of their stud careers. Consequently, a stallion like Storm Cat (who has not yet been named a chef de race) contributes no dosage points to a pedigree. Under our system, Storm Cat is a Quality chef and contributes 16 Quality points if he is the sire of a new individual, 8 points if he is the grandsire, etc. When Quality points contributed by such deserving sires are combined with dosage points, the total points tend more accurately to reflect the overall class of a pedigree. At such time as a sire we have named a Quality chef becomes a chef-de-race, he is removed from the Quality chef list and listed under the aptitudinal category to which he has been assigned. Since our total points are the sum of Quality points and dosage points, such a change in status does not affect total points. Nor, does the inclusion of Quality chefs, change Roman's Dosage Index or Center of Distribution calculations.
The Quality Chefs in a pedigree contribute quality points (QP) to the new individual in exactly the same way as chefs de race contribute dosage points (DP). The total number of Quality points are added to the dosage points to get total points(TP). The Werk Quality Rating, which ranges from zero, as the low, to ten, as the high, is scaled to the number of total points in the pedigree, thus:
Total Points
Quality Rating
1 to 4
5 to 9
10 to 14
15 to 19
20 to 24
25 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 44
45 to 54
55 +