Horse running through field

Forestry: Yes He Can

by Roger Lyons

I have to admit that, even though I included Shackleford along with Animal Kingdom and Astrology at the top of my Preakness superfecta pyramid, I really thought it most likely that Animal Kingdom would win. Just in case it turned out Forestry could sire a classic winner after all, I wasn’t going to allow my super to be ambushed by the revelation.

The prior question whether or not Forestry could sire a classic-distance runner of even notable class had been answered only once before, when Woodlander (Forestry-Madam Lagonza, by Kingmambo) won Belmont’s 10-furlong Lexington S. (G3) in 2005. That is hardly a credible precedent for expectations of classic potential, as is evident in how far out of favor Forestry has fallen in spite of his prolific stakes record. For breeders aspiring to classic success it was not just a question of distance, but also of class, and, once that view settles in, it becomes increasingly difficult for a stallion to get the kind of mare that can produce a horse like Shackleford.

Given Forestry’s record, it might be conjectured that Shackleford has gamed his pedigree–that he’s a fluke–but I don’t think so. Rather, it looks to me as if there’s a certain process at work, one that makes Shackleford an interesting case for pedigree analysis.

I think the reason why Forestry appears to have distance limitations is that he does not routinely make efficient use of the stamina influences contributed by his mates. Note that he has a superior-runner strike rate of only 2/32 with Unbridled (Shackleford’s broodmare sire) and 2/20 with Roberto (Sire of Lear Fan, broodmare sire of Shackleford’s dam). However, Forestry can make efficient use of stamina influences if they are mediated by ancestors that are more agreeable with him.

Hold Your Peace, sire of Shackleford’s third dam, with which Forestry has a strike rate of 2/6, seems a likely focal point. While I can’t confirm this, I also suspect there is some special relation between Fappiano (sire of Unbridled) and Hold Your Peace. Note that Astrology, which finished not far behind Shackleford and Animal Kingdom, is out of a mare whose first dam is by Quiet American, by Fappiano, and whose second dam is by none other than Hold Your Peace. I know it looks like a coincidence, but I believe in synchronicity.

Then there is the fact that Forestry has a strike rate of 10/86 with Dr. Fager (broodmare sire of Fappiano), which couldn’t make a difference on its own because of Forestry’s moderate strike rate with Unbridled, but Dr. Fager’s relation to In Reality, to which Shackleford’s dam is inbred, is well established by the many successful runners whose ancestries include those two influences.

My point is that the combination of these ancestors with which Forestry has quite good relations mediates his exploitation of the stamina influences contributed by Shackleford’s dam. Forestry is in similar circumstances with respect to the dam of Woodlander, mentioned above. He’s 1/9 with Kingmambo, 1/16 with Nureyev, and 4/90 with Seattle Slew. But he’s not bad with Graustark (6/65), to which Woodlander’s dam is inbred, and note that Forestry is out of a mare by Pleasant Colony, by Graustark’s full brother His Majesty–both out of Flower Bowl.

Linebreeding three ways to Flower Bowl wouldn’t mean anything at all, except for the fact that Forestry is 10/81 with Flower Bowl, and he’s 2/5 with mares that are themselves inbred to Flower Bowl. It seems a pretty good way for Forestry to make efficient use of stamina.

It’s now clear that Forestry can sire a classic winner from a quality mare that contributes reliable stamina and meets the conditions under which he can exploit it, and that makes him an opportunity for breeders who get it right.

Two Sires and La Paz

by Roger Lyons

Forest Camp (Deputy Minister) and Mission Impazible (Unbridled’s Song) have been the two best foals out of La Paz (Hold Your Peace-Classy Craft, by Crafty Drone), and their respective sires have something very special in common. Now, at this point I could say it’s some form of linebreeding with La Paz, but that wouldn’t be the truth because, as members of a population in which all horses are linebred, linebreeding just wouldn’t count as something special. No, it’s something really special.

It happens that, in the scoring method I use to reflect how well a mare crosses with a given stallion, La Paz scores just about as high as it gets with both Deputy Minister and Unbridled’s Song. In fact, not only does La Paz score in the 100th percentile of mares that produced foals by Deputy Minister, but not a single one of those dams scores higher than she does with Deputy Minister. Only four mares that have produced foals by Unbridled’s Song score higher, and three of them produced superior runners by him (winner of an unrestricted stakes or at least 2nd in a G1 or G2 race). La Paz scores in the 99th percentile with Unbridled’s Song.

In order for that to happen, Deputy Minister and Unbridled’s Song would have to have very similar profiles with respect to La Paz’ ancestry, and indeed they do. In both cases, there’s a simple sire-line nick with Hold Your Peace. Unbridled’s Song has a strike rate of 3/6 with Hold Your Peace (eNicks A+), and Deputy Minister has a strike rate of 2/10 (eNicks A+). Those strike rates reflect each sires’ opportunity with mares representing Hold Your Peace against the number of those mares that produced superior runners.

Both sires, however, also have a whole series of inside-the-pedigree advantages. The sires of La Paz’ second, third, and fourth dams, respectively, are Crafty Drone (Drone), Outing Class, and Royal Coinage–all found largely inside the pedigree these days. Both Deputy Minister and Unbridled’s Song appear to have good numbers with all three of those sire lines.

Unbridled’s Song has strike rates of 3/14 with Drone, 2/9 with Outing Class, and 2/6 with Royal Coinage. Deputy Minister has strike rates of 2/12 with Drone, 3/9 with Outing Class, and 2/4 with Royal Coinage.

It’s rare enough to come across a mare that has a profile at that level with any stallion, much less one that she’d actually been bred to. So, to find one mare that has actually been bred to two different stallions with which she has such profiles is just one of those things that you don’t think of until it happens. Makes you wonder what Deputy Minister and Unbridled’s Song really have in common, of which these similar profiles are a reflection and to which La Paz makes such a favorable contribution.